3 Landscape Contractor Tips for Watering Your Reno, NV, Property

Landscape contractors are full of great advice when discussion turns to achieving optimal conditions for lawns and plantings. Achieving the proper balance with watering can make the difference between a healthy lawn or one that falls flat under the Reno, NV, sun.

Timing Is Everything

3 Landscape Contractor Tips for Watering Your Reno, NV, Property

When it’s peak time to be outside, it is also that time of year to think about what your lawn needs to stay green and healthy. Most likely top of mind when considering a lawn care strategy are questions about what time of day and how often your lawn should be watered. The answer, and the subsequent schedule devised, can determine whether you will have a healthy lawn.

One of the best times to water your property is at the break of dawn, as soon as the sun starts to come up. This is so the water has enough time to thoroughly soak into your grass and at the same time gives excess water a chance to be evaporated away once the afternoon rolls around. A common misconception is that nighttime is the best time, but in fact attending to the lawn at that time can actually produce the opposite result that you want to see. It can lead to stagnant water, which can weaken the grass and promote the spread of disease, and that outcome may contribute to splotches of yellow throughout your lawn. Besides getting on your landscape contractor’s schedule if you’re not already, you may also want to confirm your sprinkler system is set to the appropriate time for optimal watering.  

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Just Enough Water

Along with proper timing, the right amount of water can determine the health of your lawn tremendously. A common problem for some homeowners is in fact overwatering. Although this can vary between grass type and climate, the general rule is that lawns ideally receive 1 inch of water per week. When you live in a climate like Reno’s where scorching summer days are quite memorable, more water than that may be necessary some weeks.

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Taking a Smart Approach to Watering

With a tendency of some homeowners to neglect the watering needs of their landscape or to go in the other direction and use too much water, there are ways to take the “thinking” out of watering. A regulator maintenance schedule can ensure that your grass and plants receive the moisture they need, exactly when they need it, and that any plantings having problems in the heat will be noticed and addressed. A smart irrigation system could also be put in place to create an efficient way to keep your property’s grass as healthy as possible. The first component is a rather conventional irrigation system with underground piping and spigots. The second component and possibly the most important are the various sensors that will be placed throughout your property. These are comprised of two types of sensors, moisture sensors and weather sensors. All of this information is then wired back to the third component of the irrigation system, which involves a small centralized computer. This is the brains of the operation and translates this data into an irrigation plan that is specifically made for your lawn.