Why It's Important to Be Honest to Landscaping Companies About Your Budget in Rocklin, CA

Everybody loves to talk about their dreams for their landscape, but they may not want to dig deep into the budget. However, at some point the budget needs to factor into the dreams. When you’re searching for “landscaping companies near me,” you’ll want to be prepared to be honest when you find the perfect one for your Rocklin, CA, project.

From the Landscaper’s Perspective

Why It's Important to Be Honest to Landscaping Companies About Your Budget in Rocklin, CA

Landscapers need to know how much you are willing to invest in your project. It can make the difference in reaching your expectations or figuring out how to match them as closely as possible, within your monetary limitations. Sometimes homeowners will say they won’t go over a certain figure while other times homeowners will push back with a statement like, “Tell me what it’s going to cost, and I’ll let you know if I can afford it.”

Ideally, the homeowner will share a figure and be upfront about the budget. That’s when a thoughtful conversation can commence about what can be done with that budget and whether it’s realistic for the scope of the project. The landscape contractor may need to recommend alternative plans, such as completing a project in phases, scaling down, or eliminating certain features.

If talk about the budget is more evasive, there’s a risk that the homeowner will fall in love with a certain materials and landscape design plans that cost far beyond what they were ever planning to spend. They may end up spending more on the project than they originally intended. Or they may have to scale back or scrap designs. They could have saved time in the early phase of their project if they had been more candid about their budget terms.

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Sharing the Budget: A Win-Win

By sharing your budget, you minimize the time needed to find out that your ideas are more costly than you thought. Even if it turns out your dream backyard exceeds your budget, your landscape contractor can work with you to suggest alternatives. The landscape designer can work with you to create a design that works within the budget, put the project off for a year or several years until it’s affordable, or devise a plan for completing the project in phases.

Landscaping lends itself perfectly to phased projects: phase one could be completing a patio and roughing in utilities for a future outdoor kitchen that will be added in phase 2, and clearing land for an in-ground pool and spa to be added in phase 3.

As each phase is completed, there is no awkward in-between stage where the project looks half-finished. Each phase can be made to look finished and beautiful until the next phase begins!

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Transparency and Communication

Sometimes, a project will run into unexpected costs or delays. A reputable landscaping company will help the homeowner budget for contingencies so that there are no unpleasant surprises and bad feelings should the project experience a hiccup or two.

Communication throughout the project is vital for its success, and this includes transparency about the budget as well as expectations, from both the homeowners’ and the landscape contractor’s perspective. Projects go much more smoothly when the homeowner and the landscaping company are on the same page, trust each other, and maintain close communication throughout the planning, design, and construction phases