Selecting a Planting Theme for Your Rocklin, CA, Landscape Design

By zeroing in on a particular theme for your new plantings, you could end up with a functional and beautiful feature in your backyard. Ideally, this theme will complement the climate and the architectural style of your home. Very likely, it’ll be a conversation starter when you have friends over to admire your softscape. Here are six planting theme ideas for your Rocklin, CA, landscape design.

Japanese Gardens

Japanese gardens work well in the Rocklin climate—but be sure to use native plants rather than water-needy plants indigenous to Japan. Traditionally, Japanese gardens complement the environment and can be modified for use in dry climates by having native and drought-tolerant plants arranged in a way that promotes peaceful tranquility. Often, the garden base is a broad raked area of sand or gravel (think zen gardens) interspersed with hardy plants such as bamboo, dwarf conifers, or flowering fruit trees. Add interest with thoughtfully placed boulders, stone lanterns, hanging lanterns, or stone benches.

Formal Gardens

Formal gardens don’t have to mean a Versailles-style vast expanse of lawn, manicured hedges, and roses. Modern formal gardens are characterized by clean lines and uncluttered simplicity. Simplicity gives a formal garden a calm, balanced, symmetrical, and elegant feel where it’s clear that every single element is carefully planned. Use strong lines such as straight pathways and low walls; linear features such as reflecting pools; monochromatic plantings; sparse plantings that bring attention to each individual plant; and a few key focal points such as a modern sculpture or a waterfall.

Edible Gardens

Edible gardens are the delight of any serious cook. Grow herbs and edible plants in the ground or in containers: sage, oregano, thyme, and rosemary do particularly well in hot, dry climates, but more water-needy herbs can thrive too if they are strategically placed in shadier areas of the backyard. For variety, add arugula, squash, tomatillos, chilli peppers, and pomegranates.

Traditional English Cottage Gardens

Even in dry climates, you can re-create the look of a lush traditional English cottage garden through the use of adequate shade either with large, mature trees or with shade structures, as well as mulch to hold in moisture. Brightly blooming fragrant flowers are the centerpieces in a traditional garden. These can be planted in the ground, close together for a lush feel, or in large, brightly colored containers.

Xeriscape Gardens

Xeriscape  gardens work well in California. Create a luxurious Mediterranean look with succulents, but also add drought-tolerant lavender, butterfly weed, echinacea, bougainvillea, black-eyed Susans, or blazing stars. For maintenance ease, you can group pots of more water-needy plants together. The centerpiece of any xeriscape garden is a shady place to gather, such as a pergola flanked by trellises with climbing vines (bougainvillea or grapes).

High Desert Gardens

A dry climate doesn’t have to mean an endless expanse of agave, cactus, or other succulents. While starkness can be romantic, it’s more about creating ambience through careful positioning of plants, rocks, and, most importantly, shade! Crushed rock pathways, ocotillo fencing, large earthenware pots, and even water features can create a wonderful high desert look.

Selecting a Planting Theme for Your Rocklin, CA, Landscape Design

Get Inspired!

Our award-winning landscape designers know exactly which plants will thrive in Rocklin! We don’t just recommend plants—we consider important factors unique to your location such as your soil’s pH level, sun orientation, shade, water quality, and other factors to design a landscape that requires minimal fuss. We will design a garden that meets your aesthetic preferences, while ensuring that your garden will thrive in your location.