3 Things Landscape Contractors Are Doing to Add Value to Newcastle, CA, Homes

When you think of the parts of your Newcastle, CA, home that bring value, you might not initially think about the landscape elements. But an inviting landscape is one of the first impressions that visitors have of your home. Here are some additions and improvements that landscape contractors can do to add more value to your Newcastle home.

How the Landscape Influences Home Value 

3 Things Landscape Contractors Are Doing to Add Value to Newcastle, CA, Homes

You might not know it but a gorgeous landscape can heavily influence how visitors and potential buyers see your home. Even if the interior of your home might need a few upgrades here and there, an inviting landscape with areas for relaxing is always a plus. 

When your home has curb appeal that catches the eye of those who pass by, the value is improved because they will wonder how your landscape became so pretty. With that ideal in mind, here are some things to consider when enlisting a landscape contractor to add value to your home. 

Related: Ways Your Landscaper Designer Can Add More Fun to Your Outdoor Experience in Newcastle, CA

Retaining Wall

You could think of a retaining wall as a necessary tool for correcting a hilly yard that has very little useable space, and you would be correct. But a retaining wall can also be built to emphasize a portion of the landscape that is particularly delightful. 

A retaining wall can be an extension of your patio area, especially if you have a putting green or some other outdoor entertainment downhill from the patio. The retaining wall can follow the pathway to provide a direction for walking and lighting for enjoying your outdoor entertainment area after the sun goes down. 

This hardscape feature could be suitable for a driveway that climbs a slope to the parking area. While you could plant grass and landscaping improvements to try to control that slope, it is usually difficult to keep a slope mowed well and looking great. A low retaining wall can remedy that slope with a permanent solution that includes both ambient lighting and gorgeous plants that add color and life. 

Fire and Water Features 

Imagine returning home after a hectic week of work to curl up by the fire in your backyard. Add the calming sounds of splashing water and you have a true retreat. A skilled landscape architect can combine these two features in your plans as they complement one another so well. No matter the time of year, lighting the fire and enjoying a refreshing drink as you relax under the stars is delightful. Whether you prefer the look of a traditional fireplace or the urban feel of a modern fire pit, either feature can be powered by wood or gas, whichever is your preference. 

Related Read: Landscapers Near Me in Granite Bay, CA, That Understand the Urban Contemporary Style

Landscape Lighting 

It only makes sense when you have a usable landscape that you want to enjoy it for as long as possible every day, and landscape lighting ensures the longest amount of hours possible. When you illuminate your landscape after dark, not only can you linger outdoors longer, but the lighting makes walking from place to place safer.

We all notice a home that has strategic lighting after dark and your home should be no exception. Driving up to your Newcastle, CA, home after the suns sets and seeing how gorgeous the landscape looks can simply make you happy.