Landscaping Companies Near Me Offer These 5 Landscape Design Tips for the Spring in Las Vegas, NV
Landscaping companies, services and landscape contractors in Las Vegas, NV
As spring approaches and you are itching to get back outside, having a fresh landscape design can boost your anticipation for the fun times ahead. Landscaping companies near me can offer these landscape design tips for choosing the right feature for your home.
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Swimming Pools and Spas
A custom pool can highlight your natural landscape as well as become home to many delightful family memories. As your landscaper listens to your hopes for a pool, they also assess the available space for the type and shape of pool that will best fit your landscape.
If contemporary is what suits your outdoor space, then consider having your landscape service install an architectural pool, one that mimics the lines of your home in a geometric shape. A square, circular, or rectangular pool can continue the modern aesthetic with crisp lines and symmetrical sides. When traditional is what you love, a more naturalistic pool design can bring out the classic features of your property with freeform shapes, oversized rock, and a shallow end that feels like a beach.
Any swimming pool can boast durable, long-wearing pavers that come in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes to make your pool one-of-a-kind. A wide pool deck can allow for lounge chairs and round dining tables for poolside snacks.
Any pool can benefit from the addition of a spa which can help you destress after a long day, relieve those achy joints and muscles, and improve blood flow to the extremities. Constructed as an integral part of the pool itself or set off as a separate destination, a spa holds the calming warm water that promotes a state of peace.
Fire Features
Many landscapers will tell you that fire and water just naturally seem to belong together. Having the flickering flames of a nearby fire pit or fireplace can complete an outdoor space. Bringing a unique focal point to the nighttime landscape, a fire pit or fireplace can combine with the swimming pool and spa to form a space that is visually appealing and harmonious.
A fire pit can be installed in any landscape because the size can be modified without losing any of the appeal while a fireplace can need a larger outdoor space. If space allows, have your landscaper extend the pavers and stone choices into the fireplace to create one unified whole. They can change the laying pattern and incorporate some different pavers to designate a new space by blending banding in 3 colors to make a square outline for the fireplace area.
Landscape Lighting
A landscape feature that can bring the entire outdoor space together can be strategic landscape lighting to allow for staying outside longer in the day as well as highlighting parts of the yard that get lost in the daylight hours. Proper outdoor lighting creates an ambiance that is magical once the sun sets.
Your landscaper can illuminate the swimming pool area and the fire feature so that movement between the two spaces is easy. Adding a soft glow to the walkways and around the perimeter of the pool and fire can be a way to showcase these features in a different way than in the daytime. The right lighting can be a fundamental way to merge the unique spaces after dark.
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