How Landscape Contractors Lengthen the Lifespan of a Patio in Las Vegas NV

How Landscape Contractors Lengthen the Lifespan of a Patio in Las Vegas NV

When you have a fresh patio installed in your Las Vegas, NV, landscape contractor, be sure to confirm that they have methods to keep this outdoor space in pristine condition. These tips can help you determine whether your landscape contractor has the expertise to keep your patio fresh and new all year long.

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What Can a Landscape Contractor do to Maintain a Patio?

Like any outdoor feature or softscape, a patio needs attention and care to stay looking great and these practices can set the foundation.

Regular cleaning: Over time, dirt, leaves, and broken branches can end up on the surface of your patio, leaving stains and dark spots. If they stay there long enough, it can be hard to remove the stains and they become permanent. Your landscape contractor should have the resources to clean the patio surface with a gentle cleanser and spot remover. Using heavy pressure from a pressure washer should be done with extreme care of a trained professional.

Keep joints clean: In between the joints can be an ideal place for moss and weeds to take hold and when it does, it can shift the stone and make the surface of the patio unstable. A landscape contractor should have the solutions for eliminating the unwanted growth and plants that end up in the mortar and joints of the patio stone.

Sealer: Finishing the patio stone surface with a sealant can be critical to the long-term appearance and lifespan of the stone. It can help the stone to maintain a rich color and offer a subtle shine. 

Trim nearby trees and shrubs: Keeping the trees and shrubs that are near and adjoining the patio space trimmed and free of broken limbs is another way for your landscape contractor to add to the lifespan of a patio surface. Too much shade can allow the surface to stay damp which can encourage mold and moss to grow while too much hot sun can fade the surface. Having the right amount of sun and shade can be a great combination for keeping your patio in excellent shape. 

How Can a Landscape Contractor Repair a Patio?

Your landscape contractor has multiple ways to bring a patio back to beauty and luster. One way can be to assess the loose stone and anchor it back in the space where it belongs for a seamless fix. 

When the stone cannot be affixed, they can discuss your hopes and dreams regarding a patio space to design an entirely new patio for your landscape. With a wide array of stone choices in fresh colors, various shapes, and custom sizes, they can plan a patio of the same size or as an expanded surface that can accommodate your entertaining needs as well as a space to end the day quietly. 

If your yard has a slope, your landscape contractor can install a multi-level patio to work around what seems like a problem in your yard. With wide stone steps and subtle landscape lighting to illuminate the patio perimeter, any patio can become a favorite outdoor space. Because the stone is durable and installed by expert craftsmen under the direction of the landscape contractor, you won’t have to worry about cracking, shifting, or stains.

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