5 Front Yard Landscaping Ideas That Showcase the Beauty of Your Home in Las Vegas, NV Area

5 Front Yard Landscaping Ideas That Showcase the Beauty of Your Home in Las Vegas, NV Area

When you love your Las Vegas, NV, home and want to showcase its beauty, a careful front yard landscape plan can point all eyes to your home and property. These front yard landscaping ideas can showcase the beauty of your home.

Related: 4 Creative Ideas for Personalized Front Yard and Backyard Landscaping in Las Vegas NV

Prominent Walkway 

When your landscaper makes the walkway to your home prominent, the long line of the walkway can point all eyes toward your home. A custom walkway of huge concrete rectangles mixed with fine herbs or grass between the rectangular shapes can be a way to draw the eye to your home without creating that “runway” look that often happens with a concrete walkway.

When they pair small ornamental trees on one side of the walkway with a grassy expanse on the other, the trees and greenery also add visual interest and contribute to focusing the view on your home. 

Custom Walkway

Another walkway idea that highlights the beauty of your home can be to incorporate a meandering bluestone walkway of multi-colored squares. The soft curves of the walkway anchored by lush, green grass on either side can take the eye on a slow visual progression through the yard and to your home. 

Bluestone can be an exceptional choice because it works well with a traditional, urban, or cottage-style exterior. 

Install a Garden

While it might seem counterintuitive to install a garden in the front yard, the free-form design and native plants can bring unexpected drama to this part of your front yard. When positioned along one side of the front walkway, what draws the eye can be the natural wildlife that flits back and forth among the wispy bushes and flowers there. 

Up the game with a water feature such as a waterfall that spills into a pond below. You pond could be home to goldfish and water lilies that make the garden feel like a fun, hidden surprise. Even adding an oversized colored planter as a water feature that bubbles over and spills into a smooth rock bed can bring the soothing sounds of water to your custom front yard garden.

Formal Elegance

When you love symmetry in a landscape design, have your landscape professional design a structured look with rows of boxwoods to follow the lines of the driveway and on to the walkway. This can be an especially effective plan when the sidewalk intersects the center of the entry to your home. Adding flowering or ornamental trees on either side of the walkway also makes the eye move that way. 

Make Use of Fencing

Fencing can be an effective means to emphacize the beauty of your home by framing certain spaces. When your landscaper adds a stone column fence post with wood rails, use that to frame the front end of the yard and continue the fence down the driveway and along the walkway, too. Combining those natural materials can be quite effective in a fence design. Add interest and color with blooming rose bushes and perennial bulbs that bring a riot of color and texture when they bloom. 

Highlighting the front of your home with a carefully designed front yard landscape is a unique talent of a landscape professional. They have ideas that you never dreamt to bring the focus back to your gorgeous front yard outdoor space.

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